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Get to Know MOHELA

Our Customer Promise:

MOHELA is committed to giving our customers a first-rate experience. To aid in repaying your student loans, we promise to listen, offer customized solutions to meet your specific needs and provide superior guidance as your dedicated resource expert.

We are dedicated to providing world-class customer service for the students whose loans we manage. In partnership with the U.S. Department of Education, we are contracted to service federally-owned student loans. As your knowledgeable and approachable go-to resource for account information and repayment options, we provide the tools to help you successfully repay your student loan. We are here to assist you!

Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, with an operating center in Columbia, Missouri, and office in Washington, DC, our prime focus is student loan servicing. Our expert and tenured staff of around 425 employees:

  • Are well-trained to understand Federal Policy and Regulations,
  • Are skilled in offering excellent customer service, and
  • Offer a personalized interaction to meet the unique needs of each student borrower we service.

As a nationally-recognized leader in student loan servicing and higher education financing, we provide informative and responsive interactions to each call and encounter to ensure each borrower has a positive experience.

We have the capacity and capability to leverage federal contracting and other business-related opportunities, while being recognized as an ethical, transparent and prudent steward of assets.

Click for the BBB Business Review of this Loans in Chesterfield MO